Classic Founder Membership
Our standard membership for all members over 30 years old.
Founder registration fee: €275
Regular registration fee: €550
€1980 per year (get 12 months, pay 11 months)
€180 per month
No matter which of the membership plans you have, you always have access to a wide variety of benefits designed to cultivate your community, business, and well-being.
Our standard membership for all members over 30 years old.
Founder registration fee: €275
Regular registration fee: €550
€1980 per year (get 12 months, pay 11 months)
€180 per month
Our standard membership for all members under 30 years old.
Founder Young Talent registration fee: €175
Young Talent registration fee: €350
€1540 per year (get 12 months, pay 11 months)
€140 per month